#009: The ABC of miso soup (poster)
When I was writing my guide on how to make Japanese brown rice in my previous post, I always thought I should lead up to writing about miso soup, as, for every Japanese person, rice and miso soup go hand-in-hand. (Here, I was wondering what the western equivalent might be: Burger and patty? Fish and chips?)
#006: Macrobiotic Umeshō and Sannenbancha (plus recipe for homemade umeshō)
For a few years now, I have been tinkering in the world of macrobiotics! I’ve been busy closely reading books on the subject and cooking macrobiotic-ally for myself ‘most of the time’ (= check out my instagram!).
As do most people first getting in to macrobiotics, I was initially only interested in the healthy diet aspect of it, but the more I read about the philosophy (= the idea extend beyond food and offer tips on how to navigate life’s choices), I got it – it is like as if a new window opened, and I felt as though my directionless feeling of how to become better found a new wholesome direction to follow. Continue reading “#006: Macrobiotic Umeshō and Sannenbancha (plus recipe for homemade umeshō)”
#005: “Look Mamma, there are living creatures in our fridge…!” :-) (Traditional rye sourdough starter recipe)
A thought occurred to me the other day about how keeping the sourdough starter is a litmus test to review the ‘(wo)man in the mirror’.
When too overwhelmed with daily life & don’t have the space in your mind to mind the starter? It will let you know by becoming sluggish & lacklustre. When the tiny extra work of feeding it is regarded as a burden? Without doubt it will separate. It is clearly no longer a joyous celebration of life, and admit it, your enthusiasm for creativity probably deserves a good kick up the backside. When that cumbersome jar taking up space at the back of your fridge is staring back at you with absent hope whenever you open the fridge door? It is a symbol telling you to get back in to the slow and steady rhythm of life. It’s time to get back in to control. Now…, if your life is idilic enough to bake a loaf from scratch every-single-weekend, you will never have this problem because it will always be refreshed and happily active. If that’s you, wow-za mamma, aren’t you in a good place in life. I’m genuinely pea-green with envy. Continue reading “#005: “Look Mamma, there are living creatures in our fridge…!” 🙂 (Traditional rye sourdough starter recipe)”
#004: There are times when people need to hear thank you
Recently, I am consciously searching for opportunities to appreciate & say “thank you” more often.
Soon as I started this practise, not only did I easily find people to appreciate and say thank you to, like to the familiar people in life, such as family & friends, I found appreciation in the surrounding environment also, such as being able to eat delicious rice everyday, being able to wake up pleasantly, feeling the sun’s warm rays on my skin… & so on. – This made me happy because it was a confirmation that I was in a good place. Continue reading “#004: There are times when people need to hear thank you”
#003: The ultimate crème caramel recipe ~ O.m.g. it’s the creamiest! And so delicately soft! It makes me so happy!
So, here is the ULTIMATE recipe for Crème Caramel that I have been indulging in lately.
I call it ‘Ultimate’ because, I can honestly say it really is the most creamiest, & yet most delicate Crème Caramel I’ve ever tasted in my life! Every luscious spoon sends blissful melt-down of your surroundings, & before you know it, it’s gone… – & you curse yourself for not making more. Yup, ladies & gents, it’s THAT good. Continue reading “#003: The ultimate crème caramel recipe ~ O.m.g. it’s the creamiest! And so delicately soft! It makes me so happy!”
#002: Recipe for fluffy & plump Japanese brown rice
I’d like to introduce to you my go-to recipe for brown rice. It’s probably going to look like no-frills (it’s just rice after all!) but it is perhaps THE apt one to be featured as my first recipe. Because being Japanese, rice is my staple food. It forms the foundation of my meals. It’s so often that I eat it that it makes sense for me to try & make my rice meals healthful by opting for wholegrain brown. Continue reading “#002: Recipe for fluffy & plump Japanese brown rice”